
Sunday, December 25, 2005

Denie Christmas

Well yet another Denie Christmas is over for the year. This year we had all the fam over to my mom's house for our big meal. I was a little dissappointed that we did not have a turkey this year but it turned out to be a good meal anyways. The night did not end however without at least one event occuring. My mom got chairs from her church but the bottoms of them were rounded so as my grandpa went to back up his chair it tepped backwards sending my grandpa into this flailing and panicked individual as he fell backwards onto the floor. With his feet and arms straight up into the air, however, he informed us that he was okay. Never a dull moment in this house hold.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Program

Tonight was our christmas program at the school. And some may ask well Steph how did it go and I will answer, ITS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the most stressful night of my life. The kids were out of control and when I say out of control I mean they were literally uncontrollable. And so what do they do with the uncontrollable kids, do they give them to there parents to take care of, NO, they lock them in there classroom and stick 2 teachers in with them. But in my case it was me locked in a room by myself with 20 out of control kids. They decided it would be fun to stand on the tops of their desks and jump off into Ms. Denie's arms. That was a bad idea to start with but it got worse when a kid on the other side of the room would yell pretty much as they were jumping, "Ms Denie Catch me!!!!!!!" Another fun idea they had was to see how many kids could hang off of Ms Denie at once. We discovered that at one time 20 kids could be touching Ms Denie which is just so exciting. Anyways nights like this are nights that if Christ could just return my life would be a whole lot less painful. NO MORE CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!